Epping Chorus
Musical Director: Simon Winters
Epping Chorus - past performances
Bach - Lenten Cantata
Bach - St. Luke Passion
Beethoven - Mass in C
Britten - Rejoice in the Lamb
Chilcott - Little Jazz Mass
Chilcott - Requiem
Dvorak - Mass in D
Elgar - Te Deum
Eric Thiman - The Last Supper
Faure - Cantique de Jean Racine
Faure - Requiem
Flanders & Horovitz - Noah & his floating zoo
Gounod - Messe Solennelle
Handel - Messiah
Handel - 4 Coronation Anthems
Haydn - The Creation
Haydn - Harmonie Messe
Haydn - Little Organ Mass
Haydn - Missa Sancti Nicolai
Haydn - Nelson Mass
J.H.Maunder - Olivet to Calvary
Karl Jenkins - Carol Compilation
Karl Jenkins - Stabat Mater
Karl Jenkins - The Armed Man
Karl Jenkins - Te Deum
W.S. Lloyd Webber - The Saviour
W.S. Lloyd Webber - The Divine Compassion
Lotti & Bruckner - Pieces by these two composers
Malcolm Archer - Requiem
Mendelssohn - Elijah
Mozart - Coronation Mass
Mozart - Laudate Dominum
Mozart – Requiem
Mozart - Solemn Vespers
Parry - Hear my words, ye people
Petersen - Night of Miracles
Petersen - The Glory of Easter
Puccini - Messa di Gloria
Purcell - Ode on St. Cecelia’s Day
Rossini - Messe Petite Solennelle
Rutter - Dancing Day
Rutter - Gloria
Rutter - Requiem
Saint Saens - Requiem
Schutz - St. Luke Passion
Stainer - Crucifixion
Vivaldi - Gloria
Vivaldi - Magnificat